As usual, I didn’t get cards out…sigh. Who wouldn’t love to see their grandchildren instead, tho? You’ll be able to tell I did not really prep them prior to the video, so other than saying “happy father’s day” these are spontaneous answers from my sweet ones. ;)
{I am sooooo proud of myself for embedding this- I used some problem-solving skills and didn’t even have to ask Josh. So, if you’ve been having troubles, try selecting “use old embed code” and see if it actually embeds. ;)}
As for Rebekah’s and Luke’s father, I will just say he is the best! Josh is a fabulous dad and loves his kids in such a sweet way. I love the way he plays with them, how he answers their questions, how he makes up answers often, and how he teaches them the Bible. When I asked the kids what they liked about daddy, here’s what they said:
- daddy breakfasts
- reading with daddy
- playing with daddy
- daddy dates
- Bible lessons with daddy
- making breakfast with daddy {can you see who gets up first? }
- laughing with daddy
We love you, Josh, and are so glad you’re the man in our lives!!